This is an archived version of UXLx 2023. The current event website is at

This is an archived version of UXLx 2023.
The current event website is at

23 to 26 May 2023 Lisbon, Portugal

Chris Noessel

Senior Design Lead at IBM

As a veteran of the UX field, Chris designs products, services, and strategy for a variety of domains, including health, financial, and consumer. He has developed interactive kiosks and spaces for museums, helped to visualize the future of counter-terrorism, built prototypes of coming technologies for Microsoft, and designed telehealth devices to accommodate the crazy facts of modern healthcare. He publishes about design, sci-fi, and AI.

His spidey sense goes off about random topics, which leads him to speak about a wide range of things including interactive narrative, ethnographic user research, interaction design, sex-related interactive technologies, free-range learning, and, most recently, the relationship between science fiction and interface design.

He now works with IBM, as Senior Design Lead in AI Applications, focusing on designing for the Supply Chain Business Assistant in Sterling.

Auditorium II
Designing with AI

Narrow Artificial Intelligence can seem overwhelming. AI is a complicated thing and is understandably filled with intimidating computational jargon. For our jobs, the basics of AI are probably simpler than you think.

Of course, as designers, you should be goal-oriented first and foremost. Who are the users? What are their goals? What are their contexts? How do they use the thing? Does it work? That said, you should also be familiar with the material in which you are designing, so you can match the material with the human goal as best as you can.

Untold AI

Most people know about AI through movies and TV shows. This one has an unblinking, red eye. That one crushes human skulls under its metal—and humanoid—foot. But how does the AI seen on screen match up with the science of AI? How does what you’ve seen color the way you think about it? How optimistic you are? What you think should be done, and how you would vote on AI policy?

Join Chris Noessel, keeper of, as he explains what screen AI aligns with the science, what is pure fiction, and what we should be telling ourselves but aren’t.