This is an archived version of UXLx 2023. The current event website is at

This is an archived version of UXLx 2023.
The current event website is at

23 to 26 May 2023 Lisbon, Portugal

Meena Kothandaraman

Experience Strategist at twig+fish

With 30 years of experience, Meena has consulted to emphasize the strategic value and positioning of qualitative research in the design of product, space and service. Meena is fascinated by the complexity of human behavior, and applies a credible, structured and transparent approach to integrating human stories and anecdotes into mainstream processes.

Meena is a founding member of twig fish, a research and strategy practice based in Boston, MA, that espouses these research beliefs, while maintaining a utopic work-life balance. She is also a key Lecturer in the Bentley University Human Factors and Information Design (HFID) graduate program.

Meena is always inspired in her work by her other passions, namely performing as a South-Indian Classical Violinist, pursuing culinary arts through a learn-to-cook program, and learning about the career pursuits of her two children!

Social Media handles: Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

Auditorium III
Leveraging a Strategic Research Framework

In many organizations, the qualitative research process comes together fairly predictably: stakeholders approach researchers with knowledge gaps and qualitative researchers then face challenges of resource scarcity (no time, budget or skill to address the described knowledge gaps, compounded by a negative mindset toward research). The result of many research studies is then a rushed implementation that fails to address actual objectives. Knowledge gaps persist, and designs are instead built on low-confidence assumptions. Ultimately, the designs suffer.

What if we began understanding research and knowledge gaps with an aligned perspective? What if research studies were organized, and positioned in a way that always began with an understanding of the human story, while transparently communicating the effort it takes to collect those stories? Positioning research as a strategic tool enables teams to ensure that we learn from people first before applying knowledge to products. Knowledge gaps are addressed by priority, and in a way that creates confidence that the human story serves as an anchor to the designs being created.

In this workshop and using a shared case study as foundation, Meena Kothandaraman will guide attendees through a process that establishes language for qualitative research tasks and leverages a framework that focuses on understanding knowledge sources, and ultimately documenting questions that represent knowledge gaps.

As part of the workshop, attendees will learn and practice how to:

  • Recognize and reflect on research challenges
  • Identify high-confidence knowledge sources to further leverage later in the process of addressing knowledge gaps
  • Bring awareness to assumptions and confidence levels in existing information
  • Collect knowledge gaps in the form of questions
  • Organize knowledge gaps into a prioritized roadmap with clearly defined learning objectives
  • Reveal organizational research habits and patterns
  • Relate learning objectives to study design by discussing the ideal and then the constrained approach
  • Consider high-confidence knowledge sources identified earlier
  • Translate how this approach maps to their current approach

As this is a large-group workshop format, Meena will share content with the entire group, after which small groups of 6-attendees each will collaborate toward specific tasks. Meena will solicit discussion at a room level, and as well at an individual level by walking around to the various groups as they address their tasks.

Attendees can expect to:

  • Discuss research challenges and identify those with the highest impact
  • Plot their knowledge confidence against a framework that aims to reveal high-confidence sources
  • Plot stakeholder questions (via the case study) onto the framework that reveals specifics about knowledge gap being raised
  • Review an affinitized set of questions (via the case study) that form a learning roadmap, and observe patterns
  • Discuss patterns of importance that establish priority and direction for the research team
  • Design an ideal study using one learning objective from the learning roadmap
  • Design a constrained study after receiving a constraint card to apply to the study
  • Debrief in small groups and share back during each exercise

Attendees will leave the workshop with:

  • Mechanics and tactics needed to address their own research challenges
  • A language for qualitative research, and a process that can be immediately internalized in their own organizations
  • Frameworks to reveal knowledge confidence and to organize knowledge gaps (in the form of questions) to create a learning roadmap
  • A foundation for identifying patterns of knowledge gaps in the organization, and where the research team can provide a strategic lens on addressing unknowns
  • An understanding of how to translate the learning roadmap into a study design and practicing these skills with a small team
  • Language to transparently communicate the ideal vs. the constrained study design to stakeholders

Attendees who are considering this workshop should:

  • Have some experience with research studies as a stakeholder, observer or researcher (complete novices might not get as much value without a basis of current challenges in positioning research in organizations)
  • Complete a 10-min work assignment that includes completing a simple survey (all survey results will be anonymous, and shared with the group at the beginning of the session for purposes of establishing a foundation on research challenges that attendees experience), and reading two short articles
  • Be willing to engage in discussion and collaborate with their group toward learning and discussion
  • Feel that the discussions are held in a safe space, and that all information discussed in the workshop will remain in the workshop and not be carried further

Activity-Based Research Interactions

Here is a scenario - does this resonate?

You conduct data gathering in a research study. As the researcher, you place heavy emphasis on how to ask the “right question”. Even after careful scrutiny of your questions, in your interactions with participants, you get shallow answers. This results in lots of chatter afterward about the participant being “good” or “bad”.

Let’s think about the details here.

Do you really ever deliver the question *exactly* as it is written? When was the last time you spoke about a topic that you don’t think about all the time, for one hour or longer? Are your thoughts always well-formed?

It’s time to rethink the way we connect with participants when asking them questions.

In this talk, Meena will introduce the concept of an activity-based protocol, one that invites participants to think more deeply about what they want to share, and in a way that allows them to unravel their own thoughts. By applying this approach, it also inherently removes emphasis on the researcher to craft the “right question”. Meena will share examples from the field that encourage participants to share rich answers, while also allowing everyone involved in the research process to have a bit of fun when listening to participant stories.